Interview with Johanna Schaffer and Roger Buergel with Bruno Latour: Dinge handeln – Menschen geschehen,

Springer – Hefte für Gegenwartskunst Band 1 Heft 4, 1995, p.12-15

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Limor Shiftman: Meme - Kunst, Kultur und Politik im digitalen Zeitalter,

edition surkamp, 2014/ Memes in digital culture, MIT Press (Cambridge/Massachusetts), 2014

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Shinichi Furuya: Masse, Macht und Medium - Elias Canetti gelesen mit Marshall McLuhan,

transcript Verlag, 2017

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Guy Debord: die Gesellschaft des Spektakels,

Edition Tiamat, 1996

I. die vollendete Trennung

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Isabelle Makay: Mapping the social landscape, capturing the senses

from the book: Public places for private experience,

Art paper editions

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graphics for social networks,

The wealth of networks: How social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom

by Yochai Benkler, Yale University Press, 2006

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movement and interaction of bodies in space:

dance, performance and photography

photographs by Robert Longo, as scetches for his man-size drawings "men in the cities"


scans from the book: "Men in the cities : photographs 1976 - 1982 / Robert Longo"

Schirmer Mosel, 2009

Prinz Gholam

April, 2005

scans from the book: Kooperatives Labor Studierender + Atelier Bow-Wow: Urban forest

by Kooperatives Labor Studierender + Atelier Bow-Wow

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sharing the private, the communal, the public:

apartment buildings and urban space


scans from the book: "Unconscious places/ by Thomas Struth", Schirmer Mosel, 2012

Willi Dorner Company

"Bodies in urban spaces"

verbal exchange/ social interaction:

chairs and seating groups

Joe Keller:

"putting out the chairs - performing the absent audience."

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